Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New York State Tanks

In a message carried across the state Governor Patterson has stated that in 90 days New York's budget Deficit has risen by over a billion dollars. He has called for the state Representatives to return to Albany on August 29th to begin to work on the crisis. The trouble is that these politicians couldn't agree to get into a bunker in case of a nuclear attack. So far every budget has been agreed upon in backroom deals that cover up who is getting what. One thing New Yorkers can be sure of is that someones palm is getting greased. The trouble for the state has just begun. Even a person who has a cursory knowledge of the states income sources knows that as the stock market continues to lose ground and banks write off billions in losses New York's revenue stream will dry up even more. The party is over and the state has just woken up with a hangover, but this hangover is guaranteed to last years. New York's habit has always been to throw money at it's problems rather than fix them. Those days are over. Not only has throwing money at the problem been unsuccessful, but it has resulted in soaring budgets. With the state carved up into political territories and budgets being based on who wields the power, New york seems to be unwilling or unable to address the root of it's problems, which is that every program is a sacred cow to someone. My advice to anyone thinking of investing in New York is to run very fast, because it is almost a sure bet that the states bond rating will tank too.
Zemanta Pixie

Obama's Shift

People do not seem concerned by Obama's apparent shift form his primary position to his current positions in the general election. In the primaary Obama painted himself as someone who believed in public financing of elections, but whe the money came rolling in he shifted from that position. In the primary Obama gave lofty speeches about real change. He insisted that Washinton was broken and that he was the man to force Congress to toe the line. He even went so far as to suggest that he would insist on televising the proceeding, so that the people would know who was stonewalling. In the general it seems that position has disappeared and it seems that he is content to work inside the same system that he said was broken and he promised to fix. I would categorize Obama as a Democratic Bush. Politics seem to dominate his every move. When was the last time you heard him talk about the plight of veterans. I'm sure you could think of more examples than this, but my point is how do you vote for someone who changes his positions faster than his underware? What does he really represent? I welcome answers to my questions, because so far it seems that Carl Roves cousin is running his campaign. He ducks dodges and slips as much as Bush did under Rove.
Zemanta Pixie

Monday, July 28, 2008

Canada produces 1 million barrels of oil a day

Canada is producing a million barrels of oil a day according to Nightline. The story goes on to say that they could produce as much as 5 million barrels a day and that the oil reseves in Canada are more than Saudi Arabia and Russia combined. What does this mean? It means that there is no shortage of oil at all. In fact oil is very abundant. The answer to the million dollar question that you are asking is clear. Oil prices are high, because the oil industry owns the U.S government lock stock and barrel. The real price of oil should be in the two dollar range, but since the oil industry contributes to our lected officials campaigns we are being robbed blind. When they leave office they will convert their campaign funds into their personnel wealth. Talk about legal corruption. The money you donate will buy them a mansion in Palm Beach and dues to an exclusive clud that wouldn't let you cut their grass. What's the bottom line? Americans are wimps and the politicians know it. Add that to the ignorance of the majority of americans about their government and you get screwed consistently and they keep getting reelected. You have no idea how many times your elected officials have sold you out and you won't take the time to find out. Just one example of the arrogance of politicians is that to see Obama's website you have to donate and the man has pratically declared himself the winner so why have an election? Hell why not coronate him? You can pay 4 dollars a gallon to drive and then figure out that you lost money this year or you can park your cars and drive only when it's necessary. Your choice.
Labels: Business, Canada, Energy, huge oil reserves, Oil and Gas, OPEC, Petroleum industry, Price of petroleum, Saudi Arabia, United States

Friday, July 25, 2008

Russia the unspoken threat

Ok America I know they stopped teaching geography in school and you don't know where Iran and Iraq are or what the Soviet block was, so get out your maps of the world. You can also get one at triple A. Yes those places with the funny names are all countries. Hard to believe eh?
If you can't find Russia ask the Librarian. Why do you need to find it at all, you might ask. The reason is that Russia is the next front for the United States. Yes a war is brewing.
I know your reaction is no way they are our allies. The Hidden Truth is that Russia is not our ally. They are far from being our ally. The KGB continues to spy on the United States and have had a lot of success at it. They are building their military back to the levels of the soviet era and Russians are recalling the communist rule as the good old days.
Most of Russia"s spies are now U.N. Diplomats who dislike the United States intensely. The majority of these diplomats are from countries that the United States considers allies. The Russian KGB is fueled by the immense oil profits and profits from diamonds, so there is no lack of cash. Yes the Soviet Union fell apart, but Russia has risen from those ashes and is intent on regaining super power status. Putin spent Billions rebuilding the military and his successor is continuing that policy.
NATO still mans the borders with Russia and they dare not draw down troop levels there. The possibility of a Russian strike has grown exponentially since Putin took power. The Russians have one goal to be the dominant player in the world. They have threatened military actions if a missile defense system is located in Poland and they mean business. Why do they care if there is a missile defense system in Poland? The reason is that nuclear war is an option. Neither the U.S. or Russia have taken that option off the table. Both countries are capable of a first strike and the president still travels with the black box that allows him to launch a nuclear attack
Russia is tired of being second to the United States. They want to have the ability to force the United States to take their interests in to account and they are not beyond starting a war to do that. Putin has quietly killed off the opposition to his policies. The man came from the KGB and though he shows a kinder gentler face to the United States, the heart of a true KGB operative beats in his heart. Putin has solidified his position in Russian Policy making and has created a defacto dictatorship in Russia. The final step for Putin would be to suspend the few rights that Russians have and become the next Dictator in Russia. So far he has not made this move, but anyone who follows Russia can tell you that that move is not far off.
If Putin does assume total control of Russia in an open power grab The United States will be forced to respond in some manner. Depending on how Putin reacts to the United States actions will determine if all out was begins or if the cold war, which never really ended intensifies. With our troops committed to the middle east it would be an open invitation to a military response by Russia.
Who ever becomes president in this election, you can expect tensions between the U.S, and Russia to rise and maybe reach the boiling point.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Your Suffering Brings American Companies Bucks

America has crashed into a wall economically, but american companies are are selling everything they can overseas. We all know the american auto industry is in bad shape and the airlines are going under, but as they burn other companies fiddle You aren't buying, but somone is.
The sad fact is that you are no longer needed. You are expendable. Whether you buy or not doesn't matter because foreigners are. Remember when you could buy a Canadian Dollar for 75 cents. Those days are over. Now the Canadians are buying us. The U.S. is borrowing from every country they can find. America is for sale.. Don't expect to be saved. Anyone who says they can save you is lying to make a buck or get elected.
Is there a solution? Yes! It's time you found your power. It's time to stop crying and wield the power you have. Forget Democrat or Republican. For get rich or poor. It's time to shutdown the United States. What we need is a strike by every man woman and child in the U.S., whether you own a business or work for one. In Italy when the people have had enough the whole country strikes. Everything shuts down. The government doesn't get sales tax or income tax for the time that everything shuts down. Even the Government shuts down because there are no workers. Does it take guts to do this? Yes! But I guarantee you things will get fixed in a hurry. The Politicians will be begging you to come back. They will never mess with you again. Government will suddenly do anything they can to serve you. Companies will answer your calls and not from India or China. What's America about? It's about being United. Why? Because our forefathers knew that together americans could do anything. When americans make up their minds to do something it happens. We dumped tea in the bay in Boston and the British thought they could punk us. We kicked their ass and that was the beginning of the end for The British Empire. We watched the Russians circle the world with a satellite and we went to the moon and staked our claim. Anything we've been told we can't do we've done. There isn't "A Bridge Too Far". The question is are we united.? Will we wait for our politicians and see decades go by with the same problems or will we have the guts to shut this sucker down? If we are going to do it then we all have to do it. The American Revolution wasn't won, because people punked out. 10's of thousands of people died in the civil war, because we couldn't come together and solve our problems. Is that where were headed now? It's up to all of you where we go from here. Has your vote changed your life? We all know the answer to that. Your vote doesn't mean Jack people, unless you have the guts to vote with your feet, backing it up. You can wait until it's your job that's gone and your trying to pay your credit card bills with your unemployment. You can wait till it's your bank that goes under. You can wait till your hocking your furniture for gas money and your trying to figure out how you'll pay the mortgage or the rent. You can wait and wait and wait. Nothings going to change for the better, because it's every man for himself. The United States is like the Titanic everyone is trying to get a spot in the life boat. But guess what only the first class passengers got off and we know that most of them didn't make it.
If your mad as hell and your not going to take it anymore. If your really tough instead of in tough shape you'll strike. Take all you vacation days at the same time if that's what it takes. Call in sick. Shut it down? From the president of the company to the security guards to the garbage men. Just shut it down. Nothing flys, drives, or has an open sign. Your choice is to shut it down or get shut down. Make it Now, before there's nothing left to shut down.

Zemanta Pixie

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the Oil Shortage Con Of the Century

Most of you do not remember the oil crisis of the 1970's and it gets very little press. Why don't you here about it. Simple the oil companies own stock in alot of huge corporations. Some of these corporations have an interest in every major network. The oil crisis of the 1970's was a scam perpetrated by big oil and after they forced the price of gas up the oil began to flow again.
This oil crisis is a scam too there is enough oil in opec countries to flood the whole plains of the united states in feet of oil. Don't believe it? Of course you don't because the government and the congress tell you there is an oil crisis.
Let's look at the hidden story. Most people don't know that Bush and Cheney are oil men. They both stand to makke or inherit huge fortunes amassed through the oil business. They would no more give up the huge profits they are making than you would your child. Of course they are going to support the oil companies position that oil is scarce. What you don't know is that only a small portion of the oil gets pumped from the ground when oil companies find an underground oil reservoir. Why? The answer is simple. How much a well produces intially is dependent on gas pressure. The gas forces the oil out of the reservoir and it is pumped out of the ground. The average well is never drilled deep enough to do more than take the top layer of oil out of the ground. It's a bit like a staw that only goes one third of the way into your glass. When it reaches a certain point you can't drink any more, but two thirds of the drink is left. The amount of oil that remains under texas alone is staggering, but it was more expensive to retreive, so the oil companies abandoned it.
People also think that there is a shortage of natural gas. This is another fairy tale that americans have bought. The fact is that natural gas is burned off by the oil companies in the oil feilds, because there are huge quantities of it in the oil reservoirs and they can't release it from the ground and allow it to build up and explode. Not only is there natural gas in oil reservoirs, but the states of N.Y. and Pennsylvania have vast quantities of natural gas, so much in fact that some people have actually sunk small wells and supply their houses with it. In some places it simply comes out of the ground by itself.
Now you are probably asking yourself the million dollar question. Why does comgress say there is an oil crisis. The answer is simple. Oil producing states make huge revenues off the the oil that gets pumped out of the ground in their states, so there congressmen and senators have a vested interest in seeing high oil prices. So, what about the rest of congress why do they go along? The answer is one word, money.
The oil companies contribute substancially to the campaign fund of almost every cogressman and Senator, but what most people don't know is that, that money goes to them after they serve a certain number of years in office. Yes they get to keep it. So when you donate to your congressman or senator for their campaigns. You are donating money to their personal wealth, because every penny they don't spend they get to keep. This for many of them is to the tune of millions of dollars. Yes this includes Obama and Mccaine. Win or lose.
So what is the point? Any industry that donates huge sums to congress get a free pass. Congress happily supports any fairy Tale that an industry wants to sell us, because they are getting rich. Who needs bribes when you can get it legally? The oil companies want people to beleive that there is an oil crisis and congress isn't going to fight them. Would you give up part of your retirement i don't think so and neither is congress. They are all owned lock stock and barrel. Politicians don't run for federal office out of some sense of civic duty. They run to get rich and beleive me they all get rich if they go along and vote most of the time in the right way. So the next time you fill up tour tank and bend over think of the money congress is making

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Stock Market Crash

The real crash in the stock market has not hit yet. I predicted 10,000 to 11,000 earlier, but I am adjusting that now. At this point there is no telling how low the stock market will go. An indicator of the trouble we are about to see is the drop in consumer spending in the U.K.. The citizens of the U.K. have stopped buying and are bracing themselves for the worst. There are now price wars on televisions as that industry tries to unload their inventory.
Why is this bad news for the U.S.? The answer is simple. The U.S. has seen a spike in purchases by foreigners, but now cheap flights are no longer available to the U.S. and shipping costs have skyrocketed. Now the tourist will not travel as far and the ones that do come will not buy big ticket items. Since the U.S. economy depends on this income and the signs are that Europe is beggining to tighten it's belt, you can expect sales for U.S. companies to slump in the coming months causing more layoffs, which will precipitate an even bigger drop in the stock market.
Zemanta Pixie