Monday, September 29, 2008

Bail out the Banks? What about American's

Let me try to explain the public's reaction to this bailout. Why is the reaction so negative? The fact is that people don't like banks. In fact they hate them.
For decades now banks have done nothing, but charge us the highest interest rates that the market will bear. They have nickled and dimed us to death with fees and late charges and any gimmick they could find to bleed us dry. They have used credit reports to hold us hostage and to justify higher interest rates. People know that the banks have done nothing but steal from us any way they can.
Congress has allowed this behavior and catered to the banks every whim. People are tired of their behavior and Congresses turning of a blind eye to it. Now the banks come to us with their hands out and threaten us again, but this time things are different. We aren't going to bend over backwards for them and we aren't going to vote for anyone who does. The small concessions that the banks are making to get bailed out don't impress us. If they are desperate and it doesn't look like they are, then they need to change these behaviors, because the next shoe to drop is to simplt default on all the debt that americans have aqucired in credit card debt. People don't care any more. They see it as us against them. The banks have enslaved us and we don't care if they fail. It may be self destructive, but people are now making a choice between handing their paychecks to the credit cxard companies and their basic needs. They are choosing their basic needs and they know that they are not in the position they are in because of the banks alone. They are in this position, because Congress, both Democrats and Republicans have sold us out to the banks.
We don't beleive that anything will change after this bailout. They have seen Cogresses lack of commitment to changing this situation, so they aren't buying that things will change. The Congress will get reelected and continue with the same behavior that it has demonstrated over the past few decades and we know it.
If Congress is afraid of losing in this election, they have a damn good reason. People aren't going to accept this deal. Congress talks about main street and protecting them, but there is nothing in this bill that will reign in the banks and change the basic fact that the banks continue to steal from us, with unethical practices. that's the deal breaker and until that changes you can bet that no one will support this bailout.
This is a depression and people know it. It's not unnoticed that Congress won't use that word. They would call it anything, but a depression to escape the political consequences, but those consequences are coming to spite the fact that Congress will not call a spade a spade.
I suggest that you take some time off, rather than vote for this bailout. A nice trip to Europe to visit with dignitaries. Anything to avoid committing political suicide. I only tell you this because I support you and beleive in you, but if you vote for this a lot of people are not going to be happy.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bush's Financial Iraq

Congress is hell bent on voting to bail out their fellow country club members. Bush continues to use fear to drive the American People to follow him blindly like sheep. Bush must be related to the boy who cried wolf, except there is no wolf within miles. The result of this bailout will be a commitment by the Federal Government to pour billions into Wall Street indefinitely. Just like Iraq, They will be back asking congress for more and more money, with the threat that the whole economy will collapse. We will see trillions of dollars going to Wall Street so that they can continue to live "The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous while we pick up the tab. The Republican's say that without this deal there will be another Great Depression. The truth is that if it is approved threat depression will come, because the the dollar will be worth nothing after they print trillions of dollars. You'll be papering your walls with dollars and using them as box straw instead of bubble wrap.
In what is one of the most incredible lies ever told by any politician, Bush claimed that the bailout was not designed to save any particular financial institutions, after saying that people's money is safe. If it's safe then why the bailout? There is a lie there somewhere. Think about it.
The politician's have sent out a smoke screen to cover up the real reason for the economic crisis, which is the price of oil. Anyone who beleives that there is another reason for it is on crack. There was no problem until our politician's gave the oil companies a blank check to charge as much as they wanted for oil. When gas hit $4.00 a gallon, American's stopped buying things because they are putting their last dimes into their gas tanks. American's are even charging their gas to facilitate their ability to continue to get to work. In other words they are charging gas to get to work. so they can pay their credit cards and eat. Has Congress given us a bailout for that? Of course not, because they are owened by the oil companies.
The economy is headed for a major crash no matter how much they give Wall Street. This bailout is just a tactic to get past the election's before the economy crashes. Congress is just delaying the inevitable until they can get reelected and Bush is trying to get out of office before the bottom falls out. Why? The reason is obvious. He wants the next president to take the blame for his complete incompetence.
The press is so obsessed with putting Obama into office, that they are allowing our own government to sell us out. On top of that, they are living in a fantasy world where nothing exists except for the election. It seems that in their world everything is fine except that we haven't elected Obama yet.
American's have told Cogress and the president to stck this bailout in a dark location, but they persist in going ahead with it. What is the solution to this problem? Vote them all out. Go directly to the voting booth and vote them out.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Will Congress Bailout Bush's Titanic and What Will Be The Result

The Bush Administration insist that they are getting something for the 700 billion dollars they are using to to bailout Wall street. The truth is they aren't. What they will be buying is bad investments. Buying a Bad investment is like buying a burnt down house that is on rented property. You get the ashes. The bottom line is that Bush is asking Congress to put up money that the government will never see again. The promise of recouping anything out of this mess for the taxpayer is as big a fantasy as "The Weapons Of Mass Destruction.
Wall street will sell the government investments that they know there is no hope of ever paying off. The idea that these are simply short term problems that in the long run will pay off is insane and another con job by The Bush Administration and the worst part of it is, that they are bailing out all their buddies. These people drive Ferrari's and have multimillion dollar homes. You could live on what they could get for their houses for life. If this is such a desperate situation why isn't the government asking them to put up some collateral. It would seem to me that they should put up something for this money and if they are desperate they would.
They are trying to get bailed out for a mess they made. It is like being on a ship and navigating it purposely directly into a mine. The ship will either sink or the people on it will have to save it some how. Bailing out Wall street is like trying to bailout the Titanic. The water is gushing in at such a pace that eventually it will sink, because the hole keeps getting bigger and bigger.
The truth is that only Wall street knows the amount of bad investments they made and no one else has a clue. It could be trillions of dollars in bad investments and congress has not even had the banks in a hearing to ask how much it really is. It seems that these bad loans keep turning up faster than dandelions in your lawn and once you start bailing where do you stop.
At some point all these banks are going to head for the life boats and leave us to sink with the ship. The Bush Administration has done nothing, but spend taxpayer money for 8 years. I'm sure they have no qualms about spending more now that it will be the next president's problem.
Congress is comprised of morons with the IQ of a pencil, so they will bail out Wall street, but the result will be staggering inflation when the investments fail and a tremendous hike in your taxes to pay for it. You can Print this blog and frame it to look back at when the inevitable happens, but by that time these guys will all be gone.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

What Your broker's not telling you and why? The Crash is coming!

The word adjustment sounds so tame, but it really means a sharp deep fall in stock prices. A fall that could last for months. The bottom line is the market is going to fall and keep falling and no one knows when it will stop. Your broker is telling you a half truth when he says stocks are the best investment. The whole truth is that over a decade or two they usually come back. If you don't have ten or twenty years get out now. I mean tomorrow. Why? Well the bottom is about to fall out and everything you made is about to go away. They won't tell you this, because they make their money off investing your money and they don't want to lose their jobs and their businesses.
Here's what to expect in the next few months. Banks are going to fall like dominoes and stock prices across the board are going to drop. Why, because there is no money for businesses to borrow to grow and retool. They need to retool, because of the price of energy. They simply have to find cheaper energy and most plants in this country are old and inefficient. No credit leaves them with no options, except to move out of the country or shut down plants. In the short run they will shrink their companies, leaving thousands and thousand unemployed. Their income will go down and their stock will fall. Stocks that are trading in the hundreds now might fall by 50%. That's 50% of the money you have socked away. Once the market falls like this there will be a sellathon.
Just a couple years ago everyone said there was no end to the potential growth of the housing market. Now you know they were wrong. some were more than wrong they were deceiving you. It was a giant pyramid scheme. As long as the money kept being invested, the market would rise, but in a pyramid scheme someone gets left holding the bag. Houses across the country are not worth 50% of their asking prices. In fact it is cheaper to build now than buy these houses from the banks. Why you ask?
The reason is simple the banks have to keep the price higher than than it should be, so it doesn't lose more money. Foreign investors who own a large number of theese houses are keeping the price as high as they can to try to get some of the money back that they invested. The bottom line is that a two hundred thousand dollar house is worth about 100,000 dollars. It might cost a person 100,000 dollars to build that house right now, because the demand for building materials is low and the prices are dropping steadily. Why buy an old house at 200,000 when you can get the same for 100,000. It's not going to happen. The result of this is that the value of all the houses goes down and your stuck with a bad investment.
At some point the foreign investors will cut their losses and sell at fire sale prices. It will happen fast too, because they will want to be the first to sell, because the prices will steadily drop. This will send the economy in to free fall and the holdings a Freddie mac and Fanny mae will drop in value, causing the government to spend up to a trillion dollars to stabilize the market. This is the ten thousand pound gorilla in the room that your broker doesn't want you to see. Most of the wealthy have converted their cash to gold and stable currencies to protect themselves from a drop in the dollar's value. You are the last ones holding the bag get out fast or be a victim like the people who held the bag when the market crashed in the thirties. Don't buy a word anyone says now. Buy gold and platinum and diversify your holdings in other investments, before the market crashes. The earnings numbers will come out and when they do you'll be screwed as companies right off huge losses from energy costs that they have been absorbing for a year now.
The point of getting out now is that when stocks have hit bottom and the smoke has cleared you can invest in the companies that survive and recoup your losses. Fail to do this and you will face financial ruin. This is also the ten thousand pound gorilla in the room no one wants you to see.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sleeping With The Oil Companies

Well the truth is finally slipping oout. There is no oil crisis. There is only a government that will take anything including sex from the oil companies to make you pay your hard earned money for overpriced gas. Now that they have discovered that the department of interior prostituted itself to the oil companinies, will there be a seriouos investigation. Of course not. Are you crazy? Congress is doing the same thing. They don't want this cat to get out of the bag, because they would have to investigate each other and the whole Bush administration. They have no intention of swinging from a rope for the same behavior as those in the Interior Department.
The bottom line is the government is selling you out, literally. Did you ever notice when the prostitution rings get busted, the names never get released. The fact is that the customers are your congessmen and senators and Lord knows who is paying the three thousand dollars it costs to get a 20 year old to sleep with a 60 year old. The bottomline is it's every huge company that is making money from their votes. Do you think the government pays 10,000 dollars for a special tool, because it's the only thing that will do the job. If it is so special why aren't the regular consumers getting a crack at them. Top Secret I'll bet, becaue your federal legislator likes to be spanked by 18 year olds or at least they say the are 18. You people better start watching your daughter's, because it is your federal representative who wants a piece of their ass.
Youcan bet that there will be no investigations of anything the oil companies payed for for a government employee and no one will go to jail. This just another example of why you are paying so much in taxes and the cost of anything you buy. They pass the cost of bribing the government officials over to you. Part of the price your paying for gas is so the government can pay the prostitues and the other part is so that the companies can pay for them too, not to mention all the trips and gifts. Keep voting them into office though, because your guy is honest, but answer me this if they are all honest and, everyone thinks their's is, who is getting payed?
Get with the program people a democrat or a republican is just a liberal or conservative who wants to sleep with your daughter. They are all in n it together folks. We've voted either democrat or republican forso long they have a monopoly on the government and they do back room deals to keep it that way.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

The 21st Century, The Leaders, The Future

The leaders of the 21st Century in The United States are a combination of inept, corrupt, and vacillating people, who are letting the country wander directionless into the future. They spend their time trying to offend the least amount of people and throwing those people bones so that they can continue to get elected, so that they and their families will get special treatment and perks. Some are less overt than others, but in general they do not think, or do things that do not have immediate results. Long term planning has given way to quick fixes.
The price of oil has skyrocketed and investors are taking advantage of the rise in oil prices by buying oil, holding it, then selling it. The leaders in The United States are getting huge donations of cash from the oil companies, so they refuse to take any action that might anger those companies. The future has become grim for our children. Because of the long distances people have to travel in this country to get to work, school, and the store the price of gasoline lowers their income. This trend is likely to continue, since the government excludes fuel costs from the inflation index, which means they don’t have to account for it. With even less oil a car may become a luxury again and since this country has a very poor mass transit system, they will have to find alternative means to commute.
The high price of Gasoline and diesel fuel pushes the prices of goods higher and higher and will continue to do so. The effect on the price of goods has only just begun. There will be a long time increase in the price of all goods over the 21st century as oil becomes more expensive. Anything with plastic in it, on it or made from it will steadily rise and we all know that almost everything falls into one of those categories. The true impact of the oil crisis has been hidden from us bye politicians and the press, because it will be devastating. Things could triple in price over the next 20 years and the reality is, that peoples incomes do not rise that fast. Nevertheless the actual poverty level will rise to unprecedented levels. A salary of thirty thousand dollars may be below the actual poverty level for a single person quite soon and since more and more jobs are leaving the country rapidly, there may be few employment opportunities in the future for people. More and more people are likely to find themselves without work or prospects of work.
The future of this country is literally at stake now. This country could become as economically dysfunctional as Mexico, because of the inaction of politicians. A country that no longer makes product can be completely omitted from the world economy when the peoples gross income declines dramatically. People only need to look at The great Depression to realize that there is no guarantee of jobs or income in this country and the government which has put this country so deep in debt will have no means to alleviate the suffering. This country is at the brink of the deepest depression it has ever seen and it is being ignored or underestimated by the government, economists, and the press. The problem may be complicated by inflation that is out of control, because of energy prices and the rising price of imported goods. Taxes could skyrocket as the government struggles to stabilize the situation. The wealthy may begin to migrate to other countries to escape the increased taxes and no doubt many businesses will close.
This scenario may seem unreal, but at this very moment, Great Britain is beginning to see the beginning of this situation itself. The oil is running out in the North Sea and that income will not be available to the British Government. Oil Income has sustained Great Britain and its economy since its discovery. Now that money will no longer be available and England has moved away from manufacturing. They haven’t got a large Gross National Product to offset the loss of oil, so other countries will be less inclined to do business with them. The government there has not come to grips with this situation yet and no solution is in sight. The government has no ability to offset the rising price of oil and the rising cost of services and the general obligations it has. The medical system in England has begun to make the choice between treating cancer patients and keeping services for other patients. These choices will begin to affect people with other patients with other illnesses as the government tries to do more with less. Americans will be able to watch as their own future plays out in Great Britain.
Green Jobs will not save The United States, because the market is not there to buy the products. Solar panels cost 5 to 10,000 dollars a piece and making homes energy efficient could cost as much as the house is worth. In some cases there will be no win situations, where a house is not worth the cost of making it energy efficient and the cost of building a new energy efficient house is beyond the owners means. These people will have no choice but to live with the house they have and these people make up the majority of home owners. It is just impractical to believe that green technology is practical for the average American. Green Technology is more likely to be large projects to produce electricity and power machinery. The jobs that this creates will be short term and will not require many employees when they are completed. The fantasy of millions of Green jobs will most likely not materialize and those jobs that are created are decades away. A nuclear Plant takes a minimum of ten years to complete and it can cost billions of dollars. The process of building enough of these facilities in a short period of time would take several decades at a minimum, because of the regulations involved in building them and the fact that there are very few companies who have the expertise to build one.
Solar power is impractical for many parts of the country, because winters are long and cloud filled and other parts of the country have short days. Wind has to be placed in areas that get a breeze year round or at least the majority of the year.
The reality is that natural gas promises to be the long term solution to energy problems in The United States, but the cost will not be small. Complete industries will have to change to accommodate gas in the quantities it will be needed to power the country. Cars will have to be built that are affordable and efficient and it will not be a slow process to filter down through the general population. Fuel stations will have to be replaced or renovated all through the country and the cost will not be small. Natural gas will have to be handled far more safely than gasoline. The whole process will take decades and may have to be repeated, because natural gas is a limited resource.
The Future of this country will depend more on the American People than it’s leader and it always has. Politicians get credit for the work of inventors and laborers, that have changed the face of this country and the world. It is only the past couple decades that people have given their power to change The United States over to politicians and begged for help. Yes there was FDR, but his vision was to build America to save it, not sell it to the Chinese. It was Americans working hard for very low wages that changed the country and made a future for everyone in this country.
Thanks to a anonymous source for today's blog entry.

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The 21st Century

The 21st Century