Saturday, June 28, 2008

OIl Futures Boom or Bust

Is oil speculation a boom or a bust. This is a difficult question, but here is the answer. Oil Speculators are betting that the sanctions on Iran and a withdrawl from Iraq will essentially shut off the oil spigget in the middle east. Why are they betting this? The reason is simple they believe that I ran will not be able to export oil in the quantities that they have in the past. On top of this withdrawl from Iraq, which is second only to Saudie Arabia in oil supplys, will fall into a civil war when the United States withdraws. A civil war in iraq could end production from that country and may lead to control of Iraqs oil by Iran.
It's a risky bet considering the politics of the region and it's dependency on the outcome of the election in the U.S.. There is definately a bubble factor here with the potential of a huge drop in oil prices. This would make sub-prime mortgages look like a blip on the radar. Why would the bubble burst. There is one prime reason and his name is George Bush. The whole middle east except Israel hate him and have rained in supplys to punish the United States. When george bush leaves the middle east will open the spiggets and the price of oil will drop. The rate at which it drops is the unknown factor, But it could tumble in a series of sharp drops within a month or two. A drop like this could measan that oil prices drop by 40 dollars a barrel leaving investors who have flocked from wallstreet desperately selling oil futures in an attempt to hold on to or salvage some of their investments.
People do not understand the politics of this oil crisis and oil unlike gold is not a limited supply. At any time oil producing nations could increase their production by 20% eliminating the shortage for the short term, So while oil is a boom now the bust could occur at any time.
Zemanta Pixie

Friday, June 27, 2008

The feds about to drop a bomb on the economy

More news that they won't tell you. The Fed has decided to throw up it's hands and surrender. Faced with what soon will be run away inflation due to the continual rise in the price of oil the Fed has decided to take a hands off approach to interst rates. What does this mean? Well, it's a time bomb waiting to go off.
With in the next four months analyst predict that the recession will deepen. The result will be a monumental drop in consumer spending by americans. Businesses that depend on luxury spending by americans will take a huge hit. Amaericans will for the most part end all discresionary spending leadinng to the closure of small and large businesses a like in the entertainment industry. The Rise in oil prices will hit the car industries and the electronics industry epecially hard. Their costs will spike some 50 to 75%. They will have no choice, but to pass these cost on to American consumers and consumers worldwide.
How does this affect consumers? Anyone who wishes to buy a petrolium based product will see huge increase in the price of those items. From Plastic bags to Flat screen televisions the consumer will take huge hits.
The fed is prepared to counter acting this inflation by allowing the United States to go into a drepression that could last a year or more Economists who do not admit anything as a rule know that a depression is coming. The stock Market will take a huge hit as healthy businesses struggle to survive. A Guestimate for where the stock market will go is 10,000 to 11.000 points before the masacre is over with Tech, Finacial Institutions and Home or Home supply affiliated companys ailine stocks taking massive hits. It won't be back to the days that seniors remember when walls were literally papered with worthless stocks, but it will be awful. This is the Hidden truth.
Zemanta Pixie

The hidden news

The hidden news

The hidden news: What's Obama thinking

The hidden news: What's Obama thinking

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What's Obama thinking

Obama has proposed that everyone should get an increase in their salaries to offset gas prices. This is a very appealing idea until you think about it. irst if he cold do it prices would go up across the board for everything. Second companys would start down sizing immediately. Third if they did not downsize they would just ship more of our jobs to china (ie. outsourcing)
The fact is that in every country that produces oil the government owns the oil except the goodold United States. It's time for our government to get some balls and get control of our oil. Make the oil companies just like the post office. How can this be done you ask? Well the government has broad powers when it comes to national security and this is definately a national security issue, so with an eexecutive order it can be established. Of course we would have to have certain rules to make sure the that congress did not use the revenue as their checking accoount, so it should be stated that it is a permanent nonrevenue stream. It should also be nonprofit with all the revenue going back into exploration and drilling.
We need to do this now so that our oil is no longer exported and to stabalize the market. If we don't do this the congress and Obama will sell us down the river. It's time to act now before you lose your homes, jobs and are hopless.
Zemanta Pixie

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Gas Prices the scam.

Your pissed and you can't seem to pin down the cause of this outrageous spike in gas prices. It's the same old line supply and demand. Well folks heres the hidden story.

Ten percent of the oil that comes into this country is immediately stored underground. It's been going on for yeaars, since the 1970s to be exact. For all of you poor ignorant people out there we are talking billions of galllons of oil, the government has stored. It was created in case of another oil crisis like we had in the 70s. The idea was that none would be able to blackmail our country over oil and force prices to sky rocket. Not pissed yet. Well theres more for years the government has been using this deposit as a source of free gas for every federal agency. That is why the federal government is not in crisis over oil prices. Yes your senator and congressman get gas nearly for free. While you are paying hundreds of dollars a month to fill up your tank, they are happy as clams. I'll bet you havent heard this from the main stream press and there is a good reason for that. The press needs access to politicians and sources so it bury stories on a regular basis to continue this relationship. The press is also slanted. I know this is no great surprise and it buries stories for that reason too. They are not beyond over looking or discrediting a story because of their own bias. In short mant time when they ask why something is a problem they allready know and depending on what side they are on they spin it that way. The days of Walter Cronkite are over folks. No story is safe.

The real story is that there is enough oil in iraq to drown the Saudis. There is so much oil we can't refine it all into gasoline. Why you ask, because the federal government has not built any new refinerys for more than 50 years. I magine trying to take in an ocean of oil with a straw and you can see the problem. No folks the only crisis there is is that a lot of people are getting rich. This is the hidden story and look for it to be denied by everyone.